Your Exceptional life starts here.
At An Exceptional Life, we coach people just like you to decide what you want from life and who you want to be. Then we empower you with the tools to live that life.
While it’s perfectly normal to feel “okay” about life, most of us want something we haven’t gotten yet. It may be tangible (a job, a promotion, losing weight) or intangible (feeling calm, being more loving, a sense of connection).
Our coaching program is designed to teach you distinctions to have life happen how you want it to. We will work together for twelve weeks, having straightforward conversations about your life and what matters to you. By doing the weekly assignments, you’ll have identified what you want for your life, and be empowered with tools to make it happen. All the while you’ll have accountability and support from a coach who’s on retainer for the entire program.
We have been empowering people and changing lives since 2005.
How the Program Works
When you sign up for our 12-week coaching program, you’ll have weekly calls with your coach to discuss distinctions like these.
Machine vs Self
Wants vs Needs
Limiting Beliefs
And many others!
During our twelve weeks together, we will empower you to choose who you want to be and give you the tools and training to be that person.
In addition, you’ll have homework each week that helps you clarify what you want for your life and begin creating it. For example, you may write down the things you desire most. You could also practice having meaningful conversations where you share something of yourself with another person. You’ll also create a game to play where you try to get something you want to accomplish by the end of the coaching program. Past clients’ games have included things like getting a sailboat, starting a new job, or having the best relationship ever.
The homework should take no more than 60 to 90 minutes per week. It’s not designed to make you busier, we want you to focus on creating what’s important to you. We encourage you to accomplish the homework within things you do already, just with intentionality.
Remember, your coach is considered “on retainer” during the program. That means you have access to him outside of the scheduled call times. You may text, call, or email him, and he’ll respond as soon as he’s available.

Meet Our Coach
We care about your success and we haven’t even met you yet! Matt has achieved the highest certification from the leading worldwide coaching organization. He’s supervised thousands to successful program completion and has coached hundreds of people individually.
Learn More About our Coaching Program Focus Areas
read Our Clients’ breakthroughs for yourself

We could write a book about all the ways Matt has been crucial to the success of our relationship. Perhaps the wisest decision we ever made as a couple was to meet with him every month in the year after our wedding — to build a strong foundation of communication and creation for our marriage. The program has paid dividends for the decade since then. Everyone needs a coach in their life, and we highly recommend you select this one.
— David & Angela – 12-Years Married

Personal Development
AEL has a very good coaching approach. Where other coaches have just been good on knowledge and very wise, Matt started to work with the stuff that really mattered to my future growth. He didn’t give up before he was sure I had made a decision on what action to take. Matt really does follow up on his commitment as a coach and I feel he truly cares about me reaching my dreams.
— Kjetil Brattvik – Oil Rig Operations Planner

Matt is a true soul that cares about the bond of a relationship. Matt went over and beyond to help create what my husband and I wanted in our relationship. Prior to the wedding, we had working sessions that were both emotional and impactful. The wedding ended up being a fantastic success and we thank Matt for all the help throughout the process.
— Kim – Bride

I’m lucky to have signed up for AEL’s coaching program when I did. I had been on the fast career track for 12+ years in tech and even after making VP knew something was missing. My coach helped me define who I am and what I want. It was hard work but my life has changed forever. I’m now making my passion project my career and started my own company. I’m happier with my professional life than I’ve ever been.
— J.K. – Cofounder

Management & Culture Coaching
As with any growing business we were constantly facing new challenges and my relationship with my co-founder had become strained. We found Matt and it was a success from the beginning. We created core values for ourselves and the business and had Matt meet regularly with the team. Matt restored our relationship, the team we’d built, and our company culture.
— Alyson Shirey – Cofounder

I feel very grateful to both AEL and my employer for offering such support and being committed to having people be better for having had them in their life, that is truly exceptional.
— Jennifer Gasaway – Front Desk
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Coaching
Therapy focuses on mental health, coaching focuses on helping you achieve goals or to get unstuck. If you are seeking help with a diagnosed condition, addiction, major trauma, or suicidal ideations then a licensed therapist would be best.
Throughout the 3-month program, you’ll have calls at least once a week. You also have access to your coach between the weekly scheduled calls via, text, email, and phone. To get the most out of coaching we encourage you to reach out to your coach when you see signs of progress, have questions, feel stuck, or when you’re having a breakthrough or a breakdown.
Each week there will be a 60-minute scheduled call and an assignment that will take no more than 90 minutes. To get the most out of coaching you’ll also be encouraged to continually think about and practice what you’ve learned throughout the program.
We bring the left brain and the right brain together. While some coaches emphasize energy or spirituality, what we focus on is empowering you to take actions and have conversations that will profoundly change your life.
That means you have access to your coach beyond the scheduled number of calls in your program. That means you have access to him outside of the scheduled call times. You may text, call, or email him, and he’ll respond as soon as he’s available. Some clients take full advantage of this, others don’t. Regardless, don’t be shy about reaching out to your coach if you want to talk something through.
Everything you share is confidential, we will never share your story or your accomplishments without your permission. We will never do or push you to do anything that will cause you or others harm.
The power of “distinguishing” between one thing and another is that it has the power to make the invisible, visible.
Throughout the program, we look at the world from certain viewpoints like Gratitude, Responsibility, and Creation. We distinguish (define) these terms to allow us to see the world in a different way. By drawing distinctions, we are given access to new actions, which allows us to produce new results.
Drawing distinctions in our day gives us power to see things we would not have seen if we hadn’t clarified or “distinguished” certain things in our words and actions.
Coaching is a conversation between you and your coach where you share what you’re dealing with and what you want to accomplish in your life. A coach’s job is to help you win your game. Your coach helps you figure out what is important to you and how to be true to that by asking you good questions. You are going to be asked to do things you don’t want to do; otherwise, you would already be doing them! You’re going to be asked to look in at places that are uncomfortable to look at. You’re going to be asked to have conversations you’ve avoided or don’t want to have. Being coached is hard work and what you will get out of it is a direct reflection of the effort you put in.
Find out what’s holding you back.
Book Your Free First Call Now.
Coaching isn’t therapy and I don’t believe anything is wrong with you, but if there are things you want that you haven’t been able to achieve, there is action you can take to achieve those things.
Let’s talk about what your exceptional life looks like and what you can do to live it.
Start working with your professional coach today.